DCTF Informational Materials
- Information Provided by DCTF Members prior to the Feb 2010 DCTF Meeting
- Email correspondance between Jim Anderson (Half Moon Bay DCTF Represetative) and NOAA about the status of the Dungeness crab fishery loan
- Presentations
- CA Department of Fish and Game Presentation to the DCTF Oct. 7, 2009 (Note: This file may take a while to download since it is ~16MB)
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Presentation to the DCTF Oct. 7, 2009
- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Presentation to the DCTF Oct. 7, 2009
- DFG Data Requests
- Latent Permit Data– Updated 2/9/10
- Regional Data
- Draft tier cut points for a CA trap limit program– Based on the trap limit program structure described in SB1093 (Updated 7/14/10)
- Dungeness Crab Fishing Regulations
- Commercial Fishing Regulations (FGC Sections 8275-8284)
- Other Fish and Game Code Areas of Interest- Sections 8834, 9011, and 9012
- Sport Fishing Regulations
- Other California Fish and Game Commission Regulations that may be of interest to the DCTF : Title 14 Sections 29.05, 29.80, and 29.85
- Fish and Game Commission Miscellaneous Policies– “Restricted Access Commercial Fisheries is about 1/2 of the way down the page.
- Information on Advisory and Marketing Bodies
- Meeting Summary memos from the Environmental Defense Fund about the SB1690 steering committee
- Background Papers
- Annual Status of the Fisheries Report Through 2003
- Racing for crabs. . . Costs & Management options evaluated in Dungeness crab fishery- Dewees et al
- California’s Dungeness Crab: Conserving the Resource and Increasing the Net Economic Value of the Fishery- Hankin et al
- An Economic Overview of Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister) Processing in CA- Hackett et al