OPC Meeting — June 8, 2006

Meeting Summary

Meeting Invitation

Meeting Agenda

Thursday June 8, 2006
Hyatt Regency Monterey
1 Old Golf Course Road
Monterey, California
9 a.m.

Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources, Council Chair
Steve Westly, State Controller, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Linda Adams, Secretary for Environmental Protection
Sheila Kuehl, State Senator, Ex Officio Member
Pedro Nava, State Assemblymember, Ex Officio Member

1. Welcome and council member announcements
Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources, Council Chair

2. ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of operating policies for OPC meetings
Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer, State Coastal Conservancy and OPC Secretary

3. Action: Consideration to grant a voting proxy for council members for this meeting

4. ACTION: Consideration and adoption of April 20, 2006 meeting minutes

5. Public comment on non-agenda items*

6. ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of the Ocean Protection Council Five-year Strategic Plan (public comment)
Brian Baird, Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy, Resources Agency
Drew Bohan, Executive Policy Officer, Ocean Protection Council

7. ACTION: Consideration of adoption of California Ocean Observing Program: A Recommendation for Supporting State Ocean Observing Efforts and authorization to begin implementation of the Ocean Science Applications program

8. ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) monitoring design principles
Marina Cazorla, Project Manager, State Coastal Conservancy
Michael Weber, Program Officer for Oceans, Coasts, and Fisheries, Resources Law Group

9. ACTION: Consideration of the State Water Resources Control Board Ocean Protection Projects Funding List and possible 1) concurrence that these projects relate to at least one of the mutual priorities adopted by the Ocean Protection Council and State Water Board, and 2) recommendation to the State Water Board to approve these projects and award $10,000,000 of funds reserved for such projects.
Rebecca Pollock, Project Manager, State Coastal Conservancy
Dominic Gregorio, Chief, Ocean Unit, State Water Resources Control Board

10. Staff report
Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer, State Coastal Conservancy and OPC Secretary

  • A. Approval of scheduling an additional public meeting proposed for October or November 2006
  • B. Current status of OPC funded-projects and level of funding

11. Projects

  • A. ACTION: Consideration of the California Public Ocean Awareness Campaign and possible 1) determination that it is a high priority project and 2) authorization for the council’s Secretary to take actions needed to provide up to $110,000 for its implementation.
    Rebecca Pollock, Project Manager, State Coastal Conservancy
  • B. ACTION: Consideration of the Santa Barbara Channel Marine Mapping Project and possible 1) determination that it is a high priority project and 2) authorization for the council’s Secretary to take actions needed to provide up to $400,000 for its implementation.
    Marina Cazorla, Project Manager, State Coastal Conservancy
  • C. ACTION: Consideration of an engineering study of power plants using once-through cooling technology and possible 1) determination that it is a high priority study and 2) authorization for the council’s Secretary to take actions needed to provide up to $300,000 for its implementation.
    Christine Blackburn, Project Manager, State Coastal Conservancy
  • D. ACTION: Consideration of a coastal aquaculture Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and possible 1) determination that it is a high priority project and 2) authorization for the council’s Secretary to take actions needed to provide up to $300,000 for its planning or implementation.
    Christine Blackburn, Project Manager, State Coastal Conservancy

12. Federal and State affairs
Brian Baird, Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy, Resources Agency
Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer, State Coastal Conservancy and OPC Secretary

13. Presentation: Update on the California Sustainable Fisheries Fund
Rod Fujita, Environmental Defense Mike Dickerson, Shorebank Enterprises

14. Presentation: Impacts of land-based activities on sea otter mortality
Dave Jessup, Department of Fish and Game

15. Adjournment
Council members

Note: Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Carmen Estrada-Polley at (510) 286-1015.

Categories: OPC Meetings